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The history of Studenternas hus and it's relation to Göta studentkår

The History of Studenternas hus and it's relation to Göta studentkår

When Gothenburg University was founded in 1891, the first student association was formed at the University of Gothenburg, which is in direct form to what is today Göta studentkår. In 1907, the student fraternity becomes a student union, and in 1915 the city council rents the site where Studenternas hus is today to the student union.

The first part of what is today Studenternas hus was completed in 1932 and the second part was completed in 1967. During this time, the house is owned and managed by the Student Union.

In the 1990s, the student union faces financial problems and the property is sold to the University of Gothenburg. A few years later, the law stipulates that state authorities may not own real estate and the University of Gothenburg then tries to sell the property for many years. However, there is still a requirement that the activities on the site must be used for student promotion purposes which made it difficult to get it sold. For some years now, however, the property has been sold to the company Platzer and the University of Gothenburg has since leased the house from them, in turn to provide the premises to Göta studentkår, Konstkåren and other student-promoting players. The intention of the University of Gothenburg is still that they want all four student unions at the University of Gothenburg (Sahlgrenska akademins studentkår, Handelshögskolans i Göteborgs studentkår, Konstkåren and Göta studentkår) to use the house.

Studenternas hus - a house for all students at the University of Gothenburg

In Studenternas hus there are today a lot of spaces that are intended for student activities. Examples of these are a student pub, study places, bookstore for student literature, and storage and holdings for union associations.

The intention with Studenternas hus is that the premises should be available to all students regardless of student union. The fact that Göta studentkår has been given the opportunity to be the student union that lends the room probably has to do with tradition (it was Göta studentkår’s predecessor Filosofiska fakultetens studentkår that previously owned the house), but also because Göta studentkår is the largest of the student union.

Gothenburg University together with the student unions, but also the City of Gothenburg wants to have a vibrant student life, but the premises to organize major social events in are unfortunately not in quantities. In Studenternas hus there are opportunities in the form of rooms for both larger and smaller gatherings and access to, among other things, kitchen for cooking and the stage in order to perform. Göta studentkår warmly welcomes all types of student engagement in the house!

Reach the vision for Studenternas hus

All actors who work with Studenternas hus in some way agree that we need to make a major investment in the house, to restore the house to where it once was - a center for all student life in Gothenburg. In line with that vision, there is a lot that needs to be focused on and many different initiatives will need to be implemented in order for the house to reach its vision. Göta studentkår really wants to be able to offer the University of Gothenburg students a study social platform that is an obvious part of the student life in Gothenburg through the premises we manage over in Studenternas hus. A functioning student activity enables students to have a natural place where they can spend time together.

Göta studentkår wants students from all parts of the University of Gothenburg to discover and use Studenternas hus and that is something that Göta studentkår is constantly working towards.


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